Friday, September 11, 2009

Crazy? Don't mind if I do.

Its 2:34 am. Why the hell am I still up?
Oh yeah. I don't work till 11.
Want to go to bed but can't stop reading stupid blog about psychotic insecure men. Damn you Sheldon and your ridiculous knowledge of the world wide blogosphere.
I've read so many that I'm starting to project all over the place. . . I am now deathly concerned I am becoming one of those crazy guys that spends their nights completely alone with only the glow of the computer screen to keep them warm. I'm seeing every interaction I've had with the female race through the gnawing fear of being a needy lame duck sociopath.
I don't even know what I meant by that.
And now my blog has become my own Frankenstein hybrid of twitter/facebook. Except no one is forced to look at it the updates.
. . . I wonder whats on Youtube . . .

1 comment:

  1. haha you are ridiculous
    I love that site though. if anyone else is curious!
