Thursday, May 28, 2009

UPDATE: Another shout out to Sheldon

Well, I suck at keeping up with this. 20+ days since I have wrote anything. Believe me, its not because I don't have ideas. I actually had come up with a bunch of blog posts in my head, but I'm never anywhere near a computer when it happens.
Another thing that's kept me from the blogosphere is that I'm working on a novel, so that takes up a lot of my writing energy.
Still, I really enjoy this outlet. Sheldon texted me to write a new one, and so here I am.
Sheldon, I'm sorry I got to it a bit later than I said.
Anyways, my new "serious" blog will be posted above.
Basically, this is me creating needless apologetic filler.

1 comment:

  1. Frick I thought I commented on this earlier.

    Yeah I have the same problem. I have the best ideas for blogs at work but by the time I get home the idea is gone or the will to write it is gone.

    One day like a long time ago when I felt particularly creative I made a list of all of the things that I wanted to blog about and then I referred to that list whenever I was bored and hadn't blogged in a while.
